Peter L. Vallentyne

Florence G. Kline Professor of Philosophy

An internationally distinguished and prolific researcher, Vallentyne writes on issues of liberty and equality in the theory of justice and, more recently on enforcement rights (rights to protect primary rights). His groundbreaking work has clarified the foundations of self-ownership and equal opportunity for the theory of justice. He has published nine anthologies and more than 100 articles. He is nationally ranked as one of the most often cited researchers in the humanities. He has served as associate or co-editor of five scholarly journals: Politics, Philosophy, and Economics; Ethics; Economics and Philosophy; Journal of the American Philosophical Association; and Social Choice and Welfare. He was co-editor of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, vol. 1-7 and contributed to both the Stanford and Routledge encyclopedias of philosophy. He directed a National Endowment for the Humanities grant-funded project on teaching ethics across the curriculum. In his seminars and courses, he helps students wrestle with their own ethical beliefs; he has directed dozens of graduate students’ dissertations and research papers. Prior to joining the faculty at MU, he taught at Western Ontario University and also at Virginia Commonwealth University.