Homecoming at Home

Want to get a head start on this year's celebration? Check out these activities and contests you can participate in right now, as well as additional ways you can spread Tiger cheer.

Virtual Events

prize ribbon


Mizzou's Homecoming blood drive is one of the largest student-run blood drives in the country. Honor this Homecoming tradition by donating through any blood center or drive in your local area. Submit your participation by October 31.

Submit Your Participation

Service is a cornerstone of the Homecoming tradition. Celebrate Mizzou Homecoming by giving back to your local community through a service activity of your choosing.

Ideas include:

  • Support your local animal shelter
  • Help out a neighbor
  • Write a letter to someone who feels isolated

Submit Your Participation

Each fall, the Mizzou community makes a significant contribution to the Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri, benefiting Tiger Pantry on campus. Join us in the fight against hunger by donating or volunteering at a food bank near you!

Accepted Items: peanut butter, canned meats, canned beans, canned chili, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned soups and canned ravioli

Prohibited Items: Ramen Noodles, perishable food items, any items not previously specified.

Not in Columbia? Honor this tradition by donating to a local foodbank in your area.

Submit Your Participation